Dear viewers,

Here we are, 14 matches into IPL 2023. Some game changers have been hit, other`s remain to be scored. However, you can hit one and win a fabulous prize by participating in this quiz.

What should you do to Win in the Cric Quiz 2023 – PART 2

Which team WON the 15TH match of the Indian Premier League 2023?

Give the right answer to the question given above and win a prize in this quiz.

Click ‘Enter to Win‘ and Leave a Comment with your answer.
First 10 Correct Comments in this quiz will win a prize!! Refer to the Official Rules.

ऊपर दिए गए प्रश्न का सही उत्तर देकर ईनाम जीतें.

क्लिक करें ‘एंटर टु विन’ और लीव अ कमेंट सेक्शन में अपना उत्तर दें.

पेहले 10 सही कमेंट ईनाम पाएँगे !!
ऑफिशिअल रूल्स देख लें.

Prizes in Cric Quiz 2023 – PART 2

A Gift Card worth Rs. 10/- of an online shopping portal will be given to all the winners. Should this not be possible an alternative gift of similar value will be provided.
हर विनर को Rs. 10/- का ऑनलाइन शॉपिंग गिफ्ट कार्ड मिलेगा। किसी कारणवश यह नहीं हो पाया तो लगभग इतने ही मूल्य का कोई और गिफ्ट दिया जायेगा.

The WINNERS of this Quiz are:  Arun, Samridhi, Rijul Verma, Nazia Shaikh, Aryan, Medha Dua

The answer is: Lucknow Super Giants

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