June 2019 Contest

June 2019 Contest

Guess this song and win a great prize in the June 2019 Contest!
Click Enter to Win and leave a comment with your answer.
Refer to the Official Rules.
बूझें ये गीत और जीतें एक शानदार ईनाम !
क्लिक करें ‘एंटर टु विन’ और लीव अ कमेंट सेक्शन में अपना उत्तर दें.
ऑफिशिअल रूल्स देख लें.

A Gift Card worth Rs. 100/- of an online shopping portal will be given to a random winner. Should this not be possible an alternative gift of similar value will be provided.
सही उत्तर देने वाले एक रैंडम विनर को Rs. 100/- के मूल्य का ऑनलाइन शॉपिंग गिफ्ट कार्ड मिलेगा। किसी कारणवश यह नहीं हो पाया तो लगभग इतने ही मूल्य का कोई और गिफ्ट दिया जायेगा.

The WINNER of this contest is MANTHAN GOHEL!
The song is Naina Jo Sanjhe Khwab Dekhte The.

27 thoughts on “June 2019 Contest

  1. Naina jo saanjhe khwab dekhte the
    Naina bichad ke aaj ro diye hain yun from the movie Dangal sung by Arijit Singh

  2. Naina” (English: “Eyes”) is an Indian film song from the soundtrack of the feature film Dangal. It is sung by Arijit Singh, with music composed by Pritam Chakraborty and lyrics written by Amitabh Bhattacharya.

  3. the song name was’ naina ‘from movie’ dangal’ .my favourite song and thank u to provide this theme for contest. it will not only provide us a gift but will increase the listening and thinking skills too.

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