COVID WORKERS ARE THE BACKBONE OF THE NATION (April 2020 Quiz Series Continues in May 2020. This is Part 3 of the Series)

Dear OKTATA.COM readers,

The Lockdown has been extended today. COVID workers are the backbone of the nation. They are battling the Coronavirus day and night: health workers (doctors, nurses, ambulance drivers and many more), police, social workers, airline staff, transport workers, railway staff and many more.

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What should I do to Win in the April 2020 Quiz Series Part 3

Guess this Hindi song and win great prizes in the April 2020 Quiz Series

Click Enter to Win and Leave a Comment with your answer.
First 50 Comments in each quiz in the April 2020 Quiz Series will receive a prize!! Refer to the Official Rules.

बूझें ये गीत और जीतें एक शानदार ईनाम !
क्लिक करें ‘एंटर टु विन’ और लीव अ कमेंटसेक्शन में अपना उत्तर दें.
अप्रैल 2020 क्विज सीरीज में हर क्विज में पहले 50 कमेंट ईनाम पायेंगें !!
ऑफिशिअल रूल्स देख लें.

You can contribute to the COVID 19 relief operations by participating

OKTATA.COM is my hobby and I would like to contribute to the COVID 19 relief operations through this. You can contribute to the COVID 19 relief operations by participating in this contest. I will contribute the same amount to the relief operations as paid to the WINNERS.

Prizes in the April 2020 Contest Series

A Gift Card worth Rs. 10/- of an online shopping portal will be given to a each winner. Should this not be possible an alternative gift of similar value will be provided..
हर विनर को Rs. 10/- का ऑनलाइन शॉपिंग गिफ्ट कार्ड मिलेगा। किसी कारणवश यह नहीं हो पाया तो लगभग इतने ही मूल्य का कोई और गिफ्ट दिया जायेगा.

Here is the link to the first quiz in the April 2020 Contest Series:

Here is the link to the second quiz in the April 2020 Contest Series:

The WINNERS of this Quiz are: Poonam Verma, Girish

The song is: Taakat watan ki hum se hai

January 2020 Contest

Win Great Prizes in the January 2020 Contest

Guess this Hindi song and win great prizes in the January 2020 Contest.

What Should I do to Win in the January 2020 Contest

Click Enter to Win and Leave a Comment with your answer.
Prizes this month: First comment, 5 Random winners!! Refer to the Official Rules.

बूझें ये गीत और जीतें एक शानदार ईनाम !
क्लिक करें ‘एंटर टु विन’ और लीव अ कमेंट सेक्शन में अपना उत्तर दें.
इस महीने के इनाम: पहला कमेंट, 5 रैंडम विनर!!
ऑफिशिअल रूल्स देख लें.

[contesthopper contest=”2284″]

Prizes in the January 2020 Contest

A Gift Card worth Rs. 50/- of an online shopping portal will be given to a each winner. Should this not be possible an alternative gift of similar value will be provided..
हर विनर को Rs. 50/- का ऑनलाइन शॉपिंग गिफ्ट कार्ड मिलेगा। किसी कारणवश यह नहीं हो पाया तो लगभग इतने ही मूल्य का कोई और गिफ्ट दिया जायेगा.

The 5 Random Winners of this Contest are: Rahul Chauhan, Ankit, Girish, Anil Dua and Ashish Joshi

First Comment Winner is Poonam Verma

The song is Baar Baar Dekho