I saw a rainbow a few days ago and my heart sang with joy. It was a clear day so the rainbow was easily visible. It was a very beautiful rainbow. All the seven colours of rainbow VIBGYOR were visible. Violet, Indigo, Green, Yellow, Orange and Red. I wanted to share my joy with my family and immediately hollered for them to come and join me. We all watched it fade away together.

The rainbow VIBGYOR made me wonder about it and I couldn’t resist looking it up on the internet. I browsed through some poems and quotes about rainbows. And I also discovered a song about a rainbow.
The poem I liked the most was The Rainbow by William Wordsworth. Its first line was,” My heart leaps up as I behold a rainbow in the sky.” It absolutely described how I had felt when I had looked up at the clouds and had seen the rainbow in the sky.
I liked the quote “Saturday is full of orange oranges, Sunday is full of pink apples, Monday is full of green limes, Tuesday is full of red watermelons, Wednesday is full of blue blueberries, Thursday is full of purple grapes, Friday is full of yellow bananas, and, The week is full of rainbow fruit” by Anthony Hincks.
My favourite quote is by Oscar Wilde, “When it rains look for rainbows, when it’s dark look for stars.”
I discovered the hit song Somewhere Over the Rainbow from the move The Wizard of Oz.
I think rainbows are a source of joy and I like rainbows.