Understanding big numbers is not easy. I am used to dealing with small amounts. I broke it into smaller numbers I could understand.
176 crore 1000 Rupee notes placed side by side would cover 3,11,520 km or cover the equator 7 times (based on the dimensions at the RBI site)
If you ran 10 km/day it would take you 85 years to cover that distance. A task clearly out of reach of our cricket team. They retire in their thirties.
The average distance from Earth to Moon is 3,81,554 km. A bridge construced of 176 crore notes of 1000 Rupee denomination would plunge you into the vacuum of space.
A Maruti 800 with an average of 16 km/litre would need 19,470 litres of petrol to travel this distance. Out of reach of the middle class.
A Formula 1 car with a speed of 300 km/hour would have to scramble for 43 days to cover that distance. The spectators would get weary for sure.