Say OK TATA to Losses in 3 Easy Steps

Say OK TATA to Losses in 3 easy steps. These have been tried and tested by many companies in the recessions across America, Europe, the rest of the world and now the trend seems to be catching on in India.

1. Think big, start big operations, hire thousands of people, acquire companies and take huge loans. If you or your comapny sinks, everyone else goes down too
2. Keep the lid on the losses till your cover is blown. Let the losses mount undetected for as long as you can
3. Blame the losses on high taxes, business stipulations, economic policies or any other policies you can think of

The result: Beggars can’t be choosers but big beggars are presented with an embarrassment of riches.

Note: Don’t take this too seriously:-)

How to say OK TATA

We Frquently Say OKTATA, to ONE Thing or Another

A thought struck me. Let me try out OK TATA with respect to recent developments. Feel free to add to these.

Have IPOs said OK TATA to the stock market this year?

Gold and Silver have bid OK TATA to the pocket of the mango people (common people)

Large screen smart phones seem to be waving OK TATA to small screen handsets